DiscoverThe Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast
The Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast
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The Wisdom Tradition | a philosophy podcast

Author: Alexander Sachon

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This is a podcast about Philosophy and its relation to the story of human life. Hosted by Alex Sachon. Find links to my publications and more at my website:

122 Episodes
In today's episode I do an in-depth breakdown of a Manly P. Hall lecture I've had on my radar for a long time. It's called "Magnetic Fields of the Human Body" and it offers a wide-ranging introduction to the role that the electromagnetic field surrounding the human body - often called the "aura" - plays in human life. It offers the key not only to understanding human health, but also human psychology, as well as the mysteries of astrology and alchemy.The video version of this episode will be ...
Finally, the long-delayed Q+A episode! I begin with an update of some recent stuff that's been going on with me and then delve into listener-submitted questions. Thank you to everyone who wrote in! Here's a list of the questions I tackle in order:1. SJ: I think the Holy Spirit represents the feminine. What say you? 2. John W.:Is it reasonable that we are witnessing the fall of the American Empire? Or better the fall of the cabal?3.Anthony S.:Can and will what we today cal...
Today I'm excited to share my recent interview with Dr. Mark Bailey, one of the leading intellects and voices in the anti-vax, anti-germ theory, anti-allopathic-medicine movement that has sprung up around the world with force since 2020. This interview is oriented around a detailed discussion of the deep-rooted scientific corruption existing at the heart of modern medicine. The COVID "epidemic" is referenced as a case study. Mark frequently works in tandem with his wife Sam ...
In this episode, I break down a classic Manly P. Hall lecture titled "Learning to Know the Dweller in the Flesh". It's all about understanding the philosophy of the Self (or Higher Self), how it relates to the physical personality, and what we can do to align with it. I start the episode off by reading a short essay I published a couple weeks ago on my Substack called "The Real You". If you don't follow me there, you should: thewisdomtradition.substack.comThanks for tuning in!- AlexSend...
In my newest podcast episode, I analyze a classic lecture from Manly P. Hall titled “Armageddon: The War that Ends in Peace.” The contents of this lecture fit right in with the theme of mankind’s “Fight with the Shadow”, a topic we have explored often in the various books and articles I’ve published so far on my Substack. For example, my most recent article and podcast episode on the WHO is built entirely around this theme.Check out my Substack ( for the w...
In this unscripted episode I discuss a wide-range of topics centered around the theme that world events are indicating that mankind is being rapidly pulled toward an inevitable confrontation within the psychological force within himself that Carl Jung called the Shadow. The discussion starts with a look at the WHO's new Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and considers that how this looks like the "final solution" for the aspiring health dictators. Other sectors of society are experiencing simi...
In today's episode I'm sharing a recent interview I did with journalist Riley Waggaman, formerly of RT, who is based in Russia and writes critically of Russia's complicity in advancing the same technocratic Great Reset agenda that America and the EU - its supposed enemies - are also advancing. So while on one level China and Russia are the espoused enemies of the West, on another level they are all collaborating to bring the world into a new paradigm of global technocratic governance. I...
In today's episode, I'll be investigating what looks to be a key pillar of the ongoing Great Reset: the weaponization of illegal alien migrations into the US, UK, and EU. In particular, I'm going to examine the staggering number of migrants from all over the world streaming into the US from its Southern Border with Mexico - an operation that is clearly being run and orchestrated by a coalition between the Biden Administration, the Deep State, and the UN. In this episode, I share numerous clip...
Hey folks,About a week ago I had a long conversation with Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada. He is an expert in the colonization of indigenous peoples and views the ongoing Israel-Palestine situation in that light. He is also a frequent contributor to the website, which is where I discovered his work. This interview follows up my recent article on 10/7 called "October 7th: The Fog Begins to Clear". Dr...
I wanted to offer some additional commentary on my recent article that takes an in-depth look at the October 7th attacks on Israel. The article is the first in a series and in this commentary I relate the 10/7 attacks and Israel's response to them to some of the larger themes I'll be discussing in those later articles.Of particular interest is the idea that the Great Reset may herald a significant change in the relationship between the US and Israel.You can find the original article on ...
In this episode, I revisit the events of the October 7th attack on Israel. The goal is to move beyond certain oversimplifications and mischaracterizations of the event that have become prominent. There is a lot more here than what first meets the eye.The article can be read on my Substack: thewisdomtradition.substack.comSections: 1. Others Were Involved with the 10/7 Attacks Besides Hamas2. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Uneasy Allies3. The Strategic Objectives Behind Operation Al-A...
I'm excited to announce that my book on Manly P. Hall is now available on Amazon in North America and Europe! (If that link doesn't work there's a link on my website: The book is a re-edited and reformatted version of the original series released on my podcast and Substack last year. When I originally wrote it, I intended it to be a book and to be read, so I'm very happy that it's finally available in that form.In this podcast episode, I offer a summary and overview of th...
In this episode, I interview UFO researcher Walter Bosley about the 19th-century origins of the UFO mystery. This is important, because when you move into this often-overlooked aspect of the story it becomes clear that secretive human groups and not aliens are behind the phenomenon.Walter's book "Origin: The 19th Century Emergence of the 20th Century Breakaway Civilizations" was a big influence on my own work on this topic, which I covered as part of my "The Secret History of the 20th Century...
In this episode, I continue my Gaza coverage by commenting on Col. Douglas MacGregor's recent appearances on Redacted and Tucker Carlson, where he warns of the threat of large scale war should Israel continue its persecution of Gaza. In this discussion, I sample several clips from these two appearances and analyze them in depth. I also comment on a clip from Bret Weinstein's "Dark Horse" podcast, where he discusses the problems with the official story of Hamas's October 7th terrori...
NOTE: I have since updated and refined my perspective on these events. In particular, I now I have better understanding of the October 7th attack and the various components of it. See my article/podcast called "October 7th: The Fog Begins to Clear" for more.In today's episode I'm joined by Franklin O'Kanu, author of the Unorthodoxy Substack, to discuss the current situation in the Middle East regarding Israel, Hamas, and the Gaza Strip. The discussion starts with a consideration of the ...
In this episode I preview my new article called "The Destiny of Philosophy", which wraps up my multi-part series on the life and teachings of Manly P. Hall. Table of Contents:- The Reunification of Philosophy, Religion, and Science- Philosophy: the Journey Toward the Self- Nirvana: the Culmination of Religion- The Way of the BodhisattvaFor the full article and my audio/video read-through of it, become a member of my Substack: My website: https://www.ale...
Hey everyone, I'm introducing a new format for how I'm linking together my podcast and Substack. From now on, the Substack will host not only my full articles, but also the audio/video of my full read-throughs of them. Formerly, I was posting these on the podcast, but now I will be offering a detailed summary of the article instead.The full article and read-through will available through a paid $7/month subscription plan. A free excerpt is also available there, and here on the podcast I'll be...
In today's episode, we continue our series investigating Manly P. Hall's teachings on the contemporary challenges and opportunities confronting mankind in the modern age. In this episode, we look at the idea that the Mystery Schools are currently enacting a program of mass initiation on the collective body of mankind. Sections:- The Mystery Schools in the Modern Era- The Adepts in a World at War- The Necessity of Initiation- The Marriage of Education and Experience- Francis Bacon's Visi...
In today's episode I'm sharing a recent interview I had with Nick Cook, author of "The Hunt for Zero Point", an essential book in UFO research. In this conversation, we talk about the story of him coming to write the book, the existence of an invisible government within America possessing a hidden arsenal of advanced technologies, the relationship of this secret government to the 19th century airship mysteries, the WWII-era Nazi black projects empire of Hans Kammler, and more.Much...
In today's episode, we consider Manly P. Hall teachings about the UFO Mystery. Most scholars of UFOs, as well as most scholars of Hall's, overlook this material. Here, we take a deep dive into it, and see what the great American philosopher had to say about matter.Sections:- The Philosophy of the UFO: An Introduction - The Geopolitics of the UFO- The Psychology of the UFO- The UFO and the Aquarian Age- The Internal Exploration of Space- Space as the Gateway to the Spiritual Hierarchy- The Com...